Weird museums

◊  The Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) MOBA was founded in of 1993 ; Is a community-based, private institution dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and celebration of bad art in all its forms and in all its glory ; Locate in Boston-basement of the Somerville Theatre and the lobby of Brookline Interactive Group. ◊…

Vlad the impaler

∇INSPIRATION ΔIt’s believed that Bram Stoker based Dracula(1897-novel) in part on a Romanian prince named Vlad Dracula, or Vlad the Impaler. ∇Name ΔDracula means ‘Son of Dragon’. His father, Vlad II, was a member of a secret society known as the Order of the Dragon . ∇Impalement ΔWas the Only Punishment-whether you stole a loaf of…


+Garden(Coffee grounds and gardening go together naturally)   : Fertilizer (coffee grounds) – Improve drainage, water retention, and aeration in the soil. +House : Kill fridge odor – Place o bowl of unused and fresh coffee grounds in the fridge and leave it for a day or two Fix furniture – Mix 2-3 tablespoons with…


It could be : a subculture ; a hobby ; viewed as a lifestyle/fashion . Was initially dubbed as ‘costuming’ ; Began in 30′ in North America – The participants were required to simply dress appropriately for genre ;     In 84′ the term ‘cosplay’ was invented by a Japanese reporter when he translated…

Father of Haute Couture – Charles Frederick Worth

Was born in England 1825 ; Ran away from home at 21 , only to find his fortune at luxury textile merchants, Maison Gagelin , in Paris ; He met Marie Vernet ( a colleague ). They later got married and built a success story ; He made stylish clothes for her ( at the…